
2014-04-25 14.18

Writing comes naturally to me however writing my bio is another story. And I wonder why since I love to play with words. Perhaps words are sufficient to give vent to our creativity, thoughts, emotions and inner most feelings but insufficient to capture the depths of our beings. Nevertheless I will give it a try!

Life has been a roller coaster ride for me but I never thought that the biggest adventure of life is that of knowing oneself truly. And what a remarkable journey this has been. Digging through layers deep of conditioned beliefs, fears and expectations, I discovered a hidden fount of creativity which was almost dead due to neglect. It took time to coax the hidden writer and poet to come alive but slowly and surely it is coming alive. And this desire to write is growing and growing – for once I am beginning to understand the meaning of passion!

I write about things which stir my heart. And many things stir this little heart such as nature, trees, books, children, healing, spirituality, social change, innovation, creativity. This blog is about all such lingering impressions which have become frozen into words.


56 thoughts on “About

  1. Howdy Surbhi your words “Digging through layers deep of conditioned beliefs, fears and expectations, I discovered a hidden fount of creativity which was almost dead due to neglect” are perfectly true. Breaking free of our conditioning and prejudices is something we need to work on.
    Good to meet you and best wishes always. Cheers πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Surbhi. Loved your introduction. You are very talented. keep writing and sharing your experiences with the world. Thank you for following Inspiring Evolution. Please stay connected!!


    • Hi Baldeep
      Thank you so much for the appreciation πŸ™‚ I never knew when I recently started my blogging journey that a world of love lay ahead πŸ™‚ I really enjoyed your blog. The posts are beautiful and bring a sense of calmness.


  3. Hello Surbhi,

    Great to find your beautiful blog here, I really enjoyed reading your posts.

    You have a got a very interesting style of writing and the topics are so diverse.

    Thanks a lot for stopping by my blog and following it. Have a great time πŸ™‚


  4. Thank you for stopping by my blog. You sound like you are heading in the right direction with your writing and look forward to reading about your journey. πŸ˜€


  5. Hire Surbhi…to be very honest I happened to see your name on some other blog..and I have a bestie sharing the name with you and your name was the reason I visited your blog…but once here, I am glad that I did…you posts and poems are wonderful.


  6. “Dead because of neglect”… it touched me somewhere!

    Hi Surbhi,
    what connect all of us is this passion or interest in writing. It helps a lot to express urself, to heal ur wounds, aches…gives us hope, motivates us!

    Im glad u found my writing worth to read n hence following me in my writing journey. Im really glad. Thank u so much! Joining u in ur writing journey!

    Keep writing n stay happy!


    • Hi Neeli
      Thank you so much for the kind words..:)
      It is a special kind of feeling when people actually read my random rubbish and offer encouragement, motivation and inspiration..
      I enjoyed your blog and look forward to reading your posts πŸ™‚


  7. Hello there,
    I was redirected here from The girl next door. I am reading your posts now and they are really amazing. I am definitely going to follow. πŸ™‚


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